Activities for parents are offered free of charge year-round. They encourage personal enrichment by meeting and sharing parenting experiences. In addition, they help break isolation and build bridges between families from different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds while promoting empowerment.
“This group made me realize that I am not the only one experiencing difficulties with my child and that you should never give up despite the situation. I loved the mutual help and support of the participants.”
Y’APP participant
Examples of activities
- Ronds-Points
The Ronds-Points are places to meet, to listen and to recharge your batteries. The richness of these exchanges lies in the social and cultural diversity of the participants. No registration is required, parents can arrive and leave whenever they wish. - Committed parents
The project was born out of the parents’ desire to act together, with their expertise, to improve the living conditions of Saint-Henri’s families through collectively chosen actions. Not only do the organized activities encourage citizen participation, they also raise funds to offer activities to families in the neighbourhood. - YAPP (Nobody’s Perfect)
YAPP is a parenting enrichment program for parents of children up to the age of five. - Living in harmony
Listening and sharing group session promoting participant self-esteem and self-confidence.